
Showing posts from January, 2023

Relationship Advice For Couples

 Every couple has issues. Even the most loving of couples argue and fight. In fact, arguing is healthy for a relationship - it lets off steam and brings issues out into the open that could otherwise fester and cause future problems. However, some couples do not handle their problems very well. They do not address them and, as a result, molehills turn into mountains or small issues turn into a break-up . Here is some relationship advice for couples which can help accomplish the goal of having a loving, healthy relationship. 1. Treat your significant other with courtesy and respect. You may laugh at this - of course you do that, right? Wrong. I am constantly amazed at how people who are supposed to love each other speak to one another. Take a moment to really listen to how you sound. Also take a few moments to think about what you say and how you say it. The classic golden rule should apply - would you want to be screamed at, dismissed, talked down to or belittled? No and your partner

Best Relationship Advice - How Do I Keep My Woman Happy

 Does this question go through your mind every day? How do I keep my woman happy? Here is some best relationship advice for men. The first piece of wisdom I want to share you is to just be yourself. Frequently men feel inadequate and simply not capable enough to snare a gorgeous , sexy lady, so they pretend to be something they're not. But a guy who exudes confidence is naturally attractive to the opposite sex. Have you ever observed that many beautiful women have an unattractive man draped on their arm? That is due to the level of self-confidence that appeals more to females than physical attributes. Next on the agenda is to give attention to the simple things that she'll enjoy. Here is a small sample of some of the things I mean: · Rub her feet when you're sitting on the couch watching TV · Buy her flowers just because · Take her car in to mechanic (women hate to do this) · Give her plenty of hugs Though grand gestures can make a big splash it's the small personal tr